Sunday, January 19, 2014

Class 11 Question-Answer

Explain the paradox in “The child is the father of the man”.
A paradox is a statement that seems to be absurd on contradictory but is or may be true. Generally we think the man is the father of the child because father is the source from which something originates. We know that the role of man is instrumental behind the birth of the child. A child can never produce a man, therefore the statement; “the child is the father of the man” is a paradoxical.
However the poet does not mean that a child can biologically produce a grown up man by the above statement he has expressed his opinion about the natural growth of a human being in which a child always develops into man. A man can never transform into child, child posses a seed like quality a seed develops into an autonomous tree and bears flowers and a fruit according to the seed similarly the man also inherits all the characteristics from its childhood a kind child manifests cruelty in its manhood. Thus, it can be said that “the child is the father of the man”.
 The statement also means present is the outcome of past the statement assured the poet about the continuity of the time and natural beauty. According to which if the rainbow is as beautiful as it was in the past, it will certainly remain equally beautiful in future too.

Does the essay speak in favor or against having many children? Give reasons.
                The writer of this essay is speaking against plural children in family. She suggests that there should be a single child in a family. When there is only one child, it is outnumbered by the parents. In other words, the parents control the child. But if there is more than one child, the children control the parents. It’s not only that. There are many other advantages of a singular child. The parents can brainwash a single child. They can teach the child all sorts of good things including good discipline and good manners. The parents can provide many things to the child. They can buy all types of things that are required to develop the creative faculty of their child.
                With two or more children, there are always problems. The rooms are always dirty with their toys thrown all over. It becomes impossible for the parents to try the telephone or piano. The telephone is always engaged by the children. The keyboards of the telephone or the piano are always dirty. With one child, one may very comfortably attain different parties, make holiday programme and so on. But, with plural children, it is always a counter culture.
                The most important point is that with plural children there remains no privacy between the husband and wife in the house. They do not have enough time to talk to each other. For example, when the writer tries to speak to her husband or when she wants to be alone with him, she can’t do so because they are always interrupted by their children. So, nowadays they telephone each other from their offices. The next important point is that in the families where there are plural children, the guardians almost get no time for the works of their personal development.
                So, when we compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of one child and plural children, certainly there is no doubt that there should be only one child in a family. In the same way, the writer also advocates for one child in a family.

1. Description of the ‘Teacup’:
                The teacup is thin. It is the palest water green. The level of tea in the cup can be measured from outside. It is shinny. There are thin bonds / dividends of gold around the edges of the cup. But, the bands of gold inside the cup have been disappeared by regular use. There is no decoration outside. However, inside the cup, there are flowers. It seems as if someone has scattered / sprinkled / speckled / spotted a bunch / cluster / bouquet. They have fallen all around the inside. Some fell so fast that they have reached the bottom and some were still on the way down. They don’t seem to be pasted but caught while falling. Each is different. Each has different color and each is falling from different heights.  

2. What do you mean by “Many things fell that year”?
Ans: ‘That year’ means the year of 1939, which is the year when Second World War started.  The war caused many things to fall, for example, human bodies fell dead in the streets by falling bombs. The writer has related all the fallings through the design of fallings of flowers of the cup. As the flower seems to fall off the cup, many other things also fell down. “Many things fell that year” also means many things lost their values. For example, in the year 1939, countries, cities, industries, etc. fell. In Europe, many people’s bodies fell after they were killed by bombs and bullets. Bombs and bullets fell on innocent women and children so people’s faith on traditional values has been destroyed. Their belief on marriage has also been fallen. Countries were captured by other enemies. Fallings of bombs and bullets declined the destiny of women. So, with the falling of the different countries, the art, culture, architecture were also destroyed. The morality of the people of that time was also dead.
                The sentence “Many things fell that year” also refers to people falling into marriage and falling onto their marriage beds together. Many people got married in 1939 because they were worried about the war. Men were worried that they could be killed. So, they got married before they were sent away to fight. In this way, many people married that year and after marriage they slept together. That is the falling of bodies in bed and also the falling of virginity of the woman who slept together with their husband for the first time. The writer’s mother also married at that time, so she also lost her virginity. Even the arts of making flowers in the cup fell or came to an end when the country itself destroyed. In this way, many things fell that year.

3. Explain, “The cup is a detail, a small uncharred finger from the mid-century bonfire”.
Ans: The mid-century bonfire indicates the Second World War which lasted from 1939 to 1945. Czechoslovakia where the cup was made was attacked by Germany in 1939. Many things in Czechoslovakiawere destroyed, especially by fire. The cup was brought up by the writer’s mother who was married at the time of war. During the war time, a lot of property was destroyed but the cup was not destroyed by a chance so that it was a small uncharred finger. The cup was not burnt and thus it remained uncharred. So, the cup is a detail from that bonfire (war) because it gives us information about Czechoslovakiaat the time of its destruction although, many things were destroyed. Now, the cup is the only thing in the hand of the writer to study about her mother, about Czechoslovakiaand the past in detail. Many pictures on the cup could show the art and the situation of the country. As many associations are related with this cup, we can get much information through this cup. Thus, the cup is a detailed uncharred finger from the mid-century bonfire.

4. How does Hampl see herself and her mother connected by the teacup?
Ans: Hampl’s mother bought the teacup in 1939. Later, she gave it to her daughter. Hampl reads her mother’s history in the cup. It takes her to her mother’s past and to the country where the cup was made. Because of Second World War, the country and the tradition destroyed. But, this is the cup which reminds Hampl about the country and her mother. By giving the teacup to her daughter, Hampl’s mother also wants to hand over the tradition and culture which her daughter refuses to accept. In this sense, the mother and the daughter both were related with the cup. The mother had brought the teacup in 1939 when she was just married. So, the teacup has sentimental value for mother and so this is important for her. The daughter wants that her mother should give her many other things with some information about the past. In short, we can say that the writer and her mother are connected with the teacup by emotion.

5. What does this essay tell us about marriage? About mother-daughter relationship? About
   the importance of family? About women?
Ans: The mother and daughter disagree in many things. For example, the mother thinks that family is the most important thing but the daughter thinks that the work is the most important thing. The mother gives importance to the society and particularly marriage but the daughter does not believe in marriage. She thinks that a boy and a girl may live together for a long time but marriage is not necessary. She herself had decided not to marry. The writer thinks that past is very important. We can take many lessons of life from the past. But, the mother thinks that future is more important in life and instead of thinking about the past, one should take more care about the future. The daughter likes talking very much because she thinks that it’s by talking that we can share our experiences. But, the mother doesn’t like to talk very much. Anyway, in spite of the differences, the relationship between them is very friendly. They frankly talk and discuss about many things. The mother never tries to force her daughter to accept her views.

Main points A worn Path
Why her name was kept Phoenix?
Ans:       Her name was kept Phoenixbecause like the Egyptian Phoenix bird whose life time is about 500 years, the lady too was very old and like the bird gets birth in the interval of 500 years, she also goes to town in the particular interval for the medicine.
Character Sketch of Phoenix Jackson:
                i) African American (Negro)
                ii) Uneducated
                iii) Speaks wrong English
                iv) She has a grandson who has some defects in the throat so she has to take
     medicine till his life.
                v) She knows that her grandson won’t be cured but she hopes he may be and
     brings medicine.
                vi) Town is very far and she goes with difficult journey.
                vii) She is very poor and on the way she murmurs with herself.
Obstacles on the way of her journey (25th December) 
                25th December is Christmas Day; it’s extremely cold day and as she is poor,
          she hasn’t enough warm clothes  
i) On the way to forest, there is big layer of snow so she can’t walk up the hill
   easily but is still walking and reaches on the top of hill.
ii) She also feels difficult to walk down the hill passing from the bushes as
    bushes’ needle caught her gown.
iii) Creek / rivulet with great force of water was a kind of test for her and she
     closed her eyes and crossed the creek walking along the block of wood.
iv) Barbed wire
v) She sees white loose shirt body and gets frightened thinking it as ghost.
vi) Being mentally absent, she fell down into a ditch when she saw a dog
     (unexpected event).
  1. In Egyptian mythology, the Phoenixwas bird of great splendor that every five hundred years consumed itself by five and rose renewed from its own ashes. In what way is Phoenix Jackson like the bird?
Ans: Phoenix is a bird from Egyptian mythology. It’s thought that there is only one Phoenixat a time. It lives up to 500 years and after that it gets itself consumed by fire and rises renewed from its own asses. Here, the main character is Phoenix Jackson. First of all, she is very old. Secondly, she goes to the town at a regular interval to bring medicines for her grandson. This particular interval of time gives her name Phoenix.
  1. How does she feel about stealing the nickel the hunter dropped?
Ans: When Phoenixsaw a nickel dropping from the hunter’s pocket, she immediately made a plan to steal it. She sent the man to seek the dog and the moment he turned his face, she picked up the nickel and put it in her apron pocket. While doing so, she didn’t feel comfortable. There was a mixture of regret and wrong doing in her heart. She knew that she committed a crime and she also felt that God was watching her.
  1. How does Phoenix know she is in the doctor’s office?
Ans: As it had become night when she arrived the town, she wasn’t able to see properly. Her weak eyes were unable to find out the proper way. But, she had been to the place several times before, so her legs were quite accustomed to the streets and lanes of the town and depending on her legs she finally came to doctor’s office where there was name plate on the wall and the nurse asked her about the grandson’s situation.   
  1. What happens when Old Phoenix is spoken to by the receptionist and the nurse?
Ans: When Old Phoenix is spoken to by the receptionist, she ignored her and she got senseless and lost her memory. When nurse asked her about her grandson then she became conscious and recollects the purpose of her trip to the town.

Discuss the “The Three Day Blow” as a dramatic story.
                Characteristics of a Drama
i) Dialogue             ii) No description                 iii) Setting              iv) Balance in the beginning              v) Rising action
vi) Complication   vii) Balance in the end         viii) No description about characters
                Ans: “The Three Day Blow”is a dramatic story. Though it’s a story, we find certain elements of a drama. The story itself is not so grand. It’s simply a story of two friends – Nick and Bill. Once, in a blow, Nick came to Bill’s house to meet him. Bill’s father was not there. He was all alone in the house. So, he became very glad to find Nick with him. The two friends started to drink. While drinking, they started to chat over different topics. They talked about games, books and writers, etc. Thus, from the topic to another, Bill happened to open the topic of Marge, Nick’s former beloved. Nick and Marge had a deep love. But, they had to separate due to Marge’s mother. Nick became very sad at the reference of Marge. But, Bill made him understand and thus Nick’s heart gets lighted.
                In this way, the story ends with the end of ‘Blow’ in outer physical world as well as in the mind of Nick also. The story has been dramatic because of the dramatic elements in it. To begin with, there are two characters Nick and Bill. The whole story is full of dialogues and conversations like a drama. The conversations or dialogues between the main characters Bill and Nick have developed the plot of the story. There’s no description of either the characters or about the events. The readers come to know everything only through the dialogues. Like a drama, there is a setting, that is Bill’s house. Like a drama, we find a balance in the beginning of the story. The two friends are enjoying a drink and chatting. The scene of complication comes when Bill brings the reference of Marge. Nick becomes serious and sentimental. Again, when Bill makes him understand, Nick’s mental blow goes away and again we find a balance in the end of the story. Hence, this style of writing this sort of story makes it to be a dramatic story.

2. Give the outline of the story The Three Day Blow.
The “The Three Day Blow” is a love story written by Ernest Hemingway. The protagonist of this story is Nick, who has a beloved named Marge. Both are passionately in love but lately, they have quarreled and Nick has sent her away in anger. He feels that it is his mistake so he is very unhappy at present. He is also depressed and dejected because he has lost hope of seeing his beloved again. Thus, a kind of storm is blowing in the psyche of the Nick and he has no sense of peace, silence, and tranquility. In other words, he has become completely restless. For this reason, he goes to meet his friend Bill so as to get relief from his restlessness position.
                Bill lives with his father in a cottage on the hill top. It is autumn season and the weather is wet. Autumn storms have started and at this time, a storm is blowing. It is very cold. When Nick has just reached the cottage, Bill opens the door and comes out. He warmly welcomes Nick inside and they sit down in front of the fire. Luckily, Bill’s father is not at home. They start talking about games and they also start drinking whisky. After that, they talk about the taste of whiskey and drink again and again. Again, they talk about many different things like books, writers, fishing, baseball, drinking, etc. They even talk about their own fathers each time they fill their glasses with whiskey and drink. Ultimately, the drinks heat them and they get quite drunk. To some extent, for a time Nick has forgotten his inner storm of depression and dejection. However, suddenly, Bill speaks about Marge again and praises Nick for breaking the relationship. Quite contrastingly, the storm again starts blowing inside Nick’s mind and he becomes completely impatient and intolerant. On the other hand, Bill does not understand about Nick’s inner thoughts.  He even warns Nick not to go near Marge again because the relationship may start again. This warning and caution becomes a hint for Nick. Now his desperation and hopelessness vanishes and there is again hope for a reunion or reconciliation. In fact, Nick had never thought about this. So, Bill’s warning makes him happy but he does not say anything to Bill. Rather, Nick himself decides to go just to meet Marge after the end of the three-day autumn blow that is considered to be physical blow. 

1. Consider the poem “The Poplar Field” as a defense of nature conservation.
This poem is a defense of nature conservation. The poet’s message is that trees shouldn’t be cut down recklessly. Trees are very necessary for human beings. They are important natural resources. They shouldn’t be misused. The poet also says that though we can plant trees, but they don’t grow as fast as the trees are being cut down in the present time. So, he says that he can’t see such a jungle being replanted and grown up before his death.

1. According to the author, what will be the advantage of the fuel crisis?
Ans: To begin with it should be very clear that there’s no advantage at all of fuel crisis. Still, however, the writer has mentioned some advantages of it. But, they are mentioned ironically.
                The first advantage of fuel crisis is that the air will be cleaner and there will be no air pollution. People will have fewer colds. People will walk freely in the streets and there will be no danger of accidents. The parks will be full. On the top of everything, people will communicate with each other freely and more frequently. There will be fewer crimes and the policemen will be back to their beats.
                On the other hand, there will be peace in the world. Only the United States and the Soviet Union will have some aero planes, ships and tankers. Even these countries will not be able to use such things. People will use things like sweaters, blankets and they will have fresh air in summer. People will complete their daily activities by the evening and will go to beds early at nights.
                There are many disadvantages of fuel crisis. All the scientific progress will come to a stop. The factories will be closed and there will be full unemployment. At the same time, there will be a total lack of different products in the market.
                Due to the lack of transportation, people of one end of the world will die out of hunger whereas there will be food supply in the other part of the world. Similarly, medicines also cannot be sent from one part of the world to another. In those countries where there will be lack of food, thousands of people will suffer from malnutrition and brain damage. All the activities will come to an end. Machines will be replaced by physical labour of human muscles and animals. In short, all the scientific progress will stop and human civilization will go back to the time before the industrial revolution or Stone Age. 

2. In Asimov’s essay, what is happening in the rest of the world as America struggles without
Ans: The writer shows a very dismal picture of the rest of the world as America struggles without fuel. People will be starving in many parts of the world. Perhaps, not more than one in five will have enough to eat. There will be a high rate of infant mortality. Due to the lack of food, there will be many cases of permanent brain damage by under nutrition. So much so, many such people will have to be killed out of mercy.
3. What does the author mean when he says, “the suburbs were born with the auto, lived
    with the auto, and are dying with the auto.”   
Ans: People who live in suburbs have many problems. In one word, we can say that their entire life depends upon autos. For every little thing, may it be food or medicines, books or other commodities, they depend on autos. They carry all these things from the nearby towns by autos. In that case, it will be quite difficult for them to carry the things, particularly food from towns. Otherwise, they will be almost on the verge / threshold / entrance of death.

4. What kinds of serious problems could a fuel shortage cause?
Ans:    i) No normal life         ii) No food                                             iii) No transportation
                iv) No industries     v) No production                                vi) No employment
                vii) No civilization                viii) Malnutrition                  ix) Brain damage
                x) No Medicines     xi) Difficult to sustain our life